Chris Olsen Is Dating a New Man Let's Meet Him
When TikTok power couple Chris Olsen and Ian Paget broke up, social media was devastated. However, Chris has since found a new person. Here's what we know.

The Gist:
- TikTok influencer Chris Olsen has a new boyfriend.
- He's being quite mysterious about his identity.
- Social media sleuths figured out that Chris is dating Patrick Johsnon.
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By now we should all be familiar with the concept of parasocial relationships. Either you've witnessed them online, or perhaps you engage in one yourself. If you're someone who has been scrolling under a rock, allow us to introduce you to the semi-terrifying world of obsession lite. Essentially a parasocial relationship is a "one-sided relationship where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence."
You see this most when it comes to fans and celebrities and thanks to things like TikTok, anyone can be a celebrity of sorts which means even more intense fandom. Comedian and TikTok star Chris Olsen is one of those influencers whose fanbase stays glued to his every move. He and his boyfriend, fellow influencer Ian Paget, broke up in early 2022 and now it seems as if Chris has found a new person. Who is he dating? Let's respectfully meet his new beau, from a parasocial distance!
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Who is Chris Olsen dating? Please kind of meet Patrick Johnson!
Chris is playing this relationship reveal pretty close to his chest which makes sense. He has publicly said one of the reasons why his relationship with Ian fell apart was the idea that they had to create and maintain a "perfect" relationship. They started doing TikToks together seven months into their relationship and as their fame grew, so did the pressure to be without fault or issues. Obviously that's not realistic.
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It stands to reason Chris might want to keep his new partnership in a bit of a bubble. He announced his new status in a brief TikTok where he's leaning against his new person, while lip synching over a TikTok trend where someone asks, "Who makes you laugh the hardest," followed by "Who is the most beautiful person you know?" The answer to both is, "My boyfriend." Sadly all we could see is a shoulder and a left ear. Naturally, parasocial sleuths started investigating.
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Somehow they were able to find the TikTok account of Patrick Johnson, who posted the same TikTok as Chris, but the positions were reversed. In Patrick's he has sweetly put his head on someone's shoulder while answering the same questions. Here's the best part, in both videos the person answering the questions is wearing a white shirt while the other secret human is wearing a brown shirt. They must have swapped shirts for the TikToks. That's super adorable.
It's possible these DIY detectives also spotted Patrick on Frankie Grande's Instagram. He, along with Chris and a few others, saw Beyonce in concert on Sept. 6, 2023. Chris posted pics from that show, including one where he's kissing a half concealed cutie. We also see that same person's back in another photo. Over on Frankie's IG, that person is clearly standing behind Chris and Frankie, wearing the same shirt. Patrick not tagged in any of these photos, but sleuths are determined and scary!
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Some people think Patrick Johnson looks like Chris's ex-boyfriend.
It's safe to say that Chris has a type and that type is tall and good-looking, with dark hair. This has led some fans to say Patrick and Ian look quite similar. We're pretty sure there is a more to a person than their height and hair. While on his best friend Meghan Trainor's podcast, Chris revealed he is "treated like a princess," and Patrick (who he didn't name) has met Lola. They got along beautifully.
Beyond that, not much is known about Patrick. He doesn't post on TikTok very often and when he does, his videos are varied in style. Patrick seems to favor comedic TikToks and unlike Ian's, we haven't seen much dancing. We're sure more will be revealed as the relationship progresses, but we don't expect Chris and Patrick to start doing TikToks together in the vein of Chris and his ex-boyfriend. As they say fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, and fool me three times ... a lady.