Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 Recap: Not Playing with Fire
Was it hot in here last night? Or was it Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9?
The penultimate installment of Game of Thrones Season 5 featured fire being used in two ways: one for pure devastation, the other for pure excitement.

First, Stannis actually did it. He actually listened to Melisandre and sacrificed his daughter.
You knew something very bad was going to happen after Davos sat down and had a precious chat with Shireen, soon after Stannis assigned him to ride to Castle Black and bring back reinforcements after Ramsay and his men burned down much of their village.
From there, Stannis talked with Shireen himself, hearing that the child would do anything to help her dad; anything to finally earn his love.
But then you still didn’t believe it would actually happen, that the show would actually go through with burning Shireen at the stake to satisfy the God of Light.
Until she was tied up. And Melisandre held that torch. And Stannis stood and watched his daughter scream and scream and scream until her lungs and her heart gave out.
Crazy, emotional, stunning, jarring stuff.
On the flip side of the very hot coin, Dany and company got into serious trouble upon reopening the fighting pits in Mereen.
After a couple battles, the Sons of Harpy attacked. They likely would have gotten to Dany as well, if not for Jorah, who won his fight… and who possibly won his Khaleesi back over by throwing a spear into her would-be assassin.
We watched as Dany, Daario, Tyrion, Jorah and Missandei were encircled by the Sons, only for Dany to summon Drogon and for him to arrive in order to inflict some serious damage.
He ate some bad guys, he burned many others to death and then we closed the episode with the scene many viewers have been clamoring for:
The Queen of Dragons actually riding her dragon high into the sky.
Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 Photos: Tough Times For Jon Snow
- Jon Snow arrived home to Castle Black, head bowed in shame over all the men and women he lost while gathering the Wildlings.
- Arya spotted someone on her List in town, following Meryn Trant into a brothel (where he ordered the youngest woman he could find). She didn’t use her poison on him, likely due to a lack of an opening, but why do we feel like she is about to cross off a name on next Sunday’s finale?
- Doran Martell pardons Jaime and Bronn and made Ellaria kiss his ring after she talked back many times.
Where will all this go on Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 10? Check out the official trailer now: