See Mischa Barton Nude in New Movie
You can see Mischa Barton naked in her upcoming movie, Closing the Ring.
That is, unless she turns sideways during all sex scenes.
The actress who makes Keira Knightley seem overweight is continuing her wildly successful career turn after being killed off The OC by taking part in the following two nude scenes:

1. Mischa straddles her future husband while in their unfinished house; she then lowers her dress and we see her breasts from the side. We get several more views of Mischa’s small boobs as the couple gets it on. It’s a well lit room, too. Score!
2. Later on, Barton is bare in a dark room. We see her rear from behind for a few seconds, as she contemplates life.
Ex-boyfriend and large-testicled musician Cisco Adler must be so proud of Mischa Barton for her nude scenes in Closing the Ring.